
NomPeterbilt 340 Hauler
AuteurHD MODDING - oringinal single cab, converted over by - PierceCustoms, made by -NofModding, CountryBoyModding for collisions and all the help, Zach Vires for help too, RMC for ATS Rims, And Bly Martin for the CB Wips
Nom du
Taille349,07 Mo
DescriptionPete Toter Hauler
Space character not recommended in filename: 'Extra/Diesel Genrator/parts/FuctD/Tools/Generator/textures/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'Extra/Diesel Genrator/parts/FuctD/Tools/Generator/textures/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'Extra/Diesel Genrator/parts/FuctD/Tools/Generator/textures/'
Unknown file type 'icon_pete.gim'
Unknown file type 'modDesc.xml.bak'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/shared/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/shared/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/shared/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/shared/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/shared/'
DDS texture file 'new blends/shared/' is too big. Size 16.00 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/tex/'
Space character not recommended in filename: 'new blends/textures/'
Unknown file type 'new_shader/bed.obj'
DDS texture file 'new_shader/' is too big. Size 16.00 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
Unknown file type 'pete.i3d.bak'
Unknown file type 'pete.xml.bak'
DDS texture file 'Shaders/' is too big. Size 16.00 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
DDS texture file 'shared/' is too big. Size 16.00 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
DDS texture file 'tex/' is too big. Size 16.00 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
Unknown file type 'tex/Medium_WorkLight_Color.tif'
DDS texture file 'tex/' is too big. Size 14.40 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
Unknown file type 'tex/uploads_files_874969_T_Wrench_Red_BC.tga'
Unknown file type 'Textures/Medium_WorkLight_Color.tif'
DDS texture file 'Textures/' is too big. Size 14.40 MB (max. 12.00 MB)
Unknown file type 'Textures/uploads_files_874969_T_Wrench_Red_BC.tga'
PNG texture files not recommended. 2 found (max. 0)
JPEG texture files not recommended. 4 found (max. 0)
File count per store item too high. 246 found (max. 128)